Mary Thorson lives and writes in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She received her BA in Creative Writing from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and her MFA from Pacific University in Oregon. Her stories have appeared in the Los Angeles Review, Milwaukee Noir, Worcester Review, Rock and a Hard Place, Tough, among others. Her work has been nominated for Best American Short Stories, Best American Mystery, A Derringer, and a Pushcart Prize. She hangs out with her two daughters, husband, and dog when she isn’t teaching high school English, reading, or writing ghost stories. lives and writes in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. She received her BA in Creative Writing from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and her MFA from Pacific University in Oregon. Her stories have appeared in the Los Angeles Review, Milwaukee Noir, Worcester Review, Rock and a Hard Place, Tough, among others. Her work has been nominated for Best American Short Stories, Best American Mystery, A Derringer, and a Pushcart Prize. She hangs out with her two daughters, husband, and dog when she isn’t teaching high school English, reading, or writing ghost stories.