Will’t Please You Sit and Look


There he was on the wall.

That face she once could not get enough of.

How good to have a reminder.


When she first saw him, he was doing a reading of his latest novel. She adored his work from the first word, bought the book, had him autograph it “To Esmé from Keeling,” because that was his last name. He laughed at that. She was in heaven.

She looked for his appearances elsewhere, listened rapt, went up to him always with the same praise: “I’m amazed. I don’t have words.”

And she didn’t. All she wanted to do was look on his beautiful face.

He got tired of it, it seemed, because it wasn’t long before he greeted her with a look of impatience.

It spoiled his face. It made her wonder whether her own face annoyed him the way it was now.

She had been a beauty once. People had said so, men had sought her favor, been anxious for a word, a glance.

Now, all the treatments, creams, lifts had taken their toll. Her bad luck that she’d chosen some Brazilian quack.

She banished herself from his sight. She got angry.

Then she happened to see a poster in a bookstore and her longing to see that beautiful face on her wall, to gaze upon it whenever she wished, returned in force.


Lately, her feelings have changed in step with the change in his features. He, too, is getting long in the tooth. She’s tempted to snort, it’s so literally true.

Poor boy, he’s disintegrating much faster than she. The decay is unmistakable, his features no longer beautiful. And, alas, he’s beginning to smell.

Death has not been kind to that face.

She wonders what she ever saw in him.

~ fin ~

M.C. Neuda honed her writing skills in such corporate thrillers as training programs, sales copy, and business articles. Her focus now is on probing the darker (but not unamusing) side of the human condition in the form of crime stories. She is pleased beyond words that Shotgun Honey is the first to publish one of them.

Haha! Great twist! Loved the little red herring of the Brazilian quack that you dnagle for just a moment before you reveal her "real" longing.
Guy Riessen
September 20, 2016
Thanks so much, Fanni! I'm so pleased you liked it!
M.C. Neuda
May 20, 2016
That's such a cool description of my piece, Ben. I so appreciate your comment!
M.C. Neuda
May 20, 2016
Congratulations Maria! I very much enjoyed this read. Looking forward to more.
Fanni Bartanics
May 18, 2016
Oh, how lovely to hear from that you, April! Thank you so much, and right back atcha!
M.C. Neuda
May 10, 2016
Wonderful! Very nicely done. I want to read more of your work!
April Snellings
May 08, 2016
So good to hear and much appreciated, Beau!
M.C. Neuda
May 04, 2016
Great job, M.C! I liked it. Always good to have a reminder. Keeps everyone on their toes.
Beau Johnson
May 04, 2016
Thanks so much, Copper! That word makes my day!
M.C. Neuda
May 04, 2016
I so appreciate your comment, Bill, thank you!
M.C. Neuda
May 04, 2016
Stunning work!
Copper Smith
May 04, 2016
Great debut. Congrats!
Bill Baber
May 04, 2016

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